EU4GH Summer School:
The European Union and Global Health
(3-7 June 2024)
Prof. Steven Lierman, University of KU Leuven
EU Health Protection at the Crossroad of Innovation and Precaution
Prof. Joaquìn Cayon de Las Cuevas, University of Cantabria
European Health Law & Human Rights at the Crossroads: Harmonisation vs National Diversity
Dr. Mirko Dukovic, European University Institute
Reinforcing the Role for the European Medicine Agency in Crisis Preparedness and Management for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
Dr. Emanuele Cesta, Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA)
Equitable Access to Medical Countermeasures in Times of Emergency: EU Perspectives
Prof. Pia Acconci, University of Teramo
International and EU health Law and Governance for 'One Health'
Prof. Gabriela A. Oanta, University of La Coruna
The Legal and Istitutional Framework for EU-WHO Relationship
Prof. Maria Isabel Torres Cazorla, University of Malaga
Environment and Health in EU Law: Bathing Water Quality as a Test Case
Prof. Benjamin Mason Meier, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Framing Global Health Law
Dr. Mark Eccleston-Turner, King's College London
Universalism vs Regionalism in Global Health: the Role of EU
Prof. Lisa Forman, University of Toronto
Human Rights in Times of Pandemic